four person holding each others waist at daytime

Empowering Immigrants

Free legal services for immigrants, enhancing access to support and sustainability in the community.

Empowering Immigrants Together

Dedicated to providing accessible immigration legal services for those in need, fostering community support and sustainability.

man in blue and white plaid dress shirt wearing brown cowboy hat sitting on red flower
man in blue and white plaid dress shirt wearing brown cowboy hat sitting on red flower

How do we Expand Services?

Challenges Nonprofits Face in Immigration Legal Services
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person using laptop

Legal nonprofits serving immigrant communities face a multitude of challenges, many of which directly impact their ability to scale services and retain talent

a life preserver hanging on a wooden wall
a life preserver hanging on a wooden wall
Immigration Legal Triage

Partnerships with BIPOC solo immigration attorneys foster equity, scalability, and resilience in immigration advocacy, enabling nonprofits to expand capacity, address urgent and routine cases, and create sustainable, mutually beneficial solutions for underserved communities.

Creating Sustainable and Inclusive Solutions
peope sitting around table
peope sitting around table

Immigration legal triage is crucial because urgent situations like removal proceedings or asylum applications with strict deadlines demand immediate, efficient action to prevent severe consequences for individuals, often forcing organizations to balance limited resources with the need for rapid, high-stakes decision-making.

Collaborating with BIPOC Solo Immigration Attorneys to Address Service Gaps in the Nonprofit Legal Sector

a group of people holding hands on top of a tree
a group of people holding hands on top of a tree

Expanding Service Capacity: Partnering with skilled BIPOC solo immigration attorneys allows nonprofits to extend their reach without overburdening existing staff. These attorneys bring additional expertise, resources, and manpower to support the needs of the community

Plugging Attorneys into Community Organizations: This model allows contract immigration attorneys to work directly with community based organizations that lack in-house legal departments. These attorneys can provide essential services like legal workshops and community helpdesks without requiring the nonprofit to build or fund a full legal department.

Flexible, Scalable Solutions: Community organizations can offer legal services on-demand by partnering with attorneys on a contract basis, avoiding the significant financial and administrative burden of establishing a legal services program.

Cultural and Linguistic Accessibility: BIPOC attorneys often have the language skills and cultural understanding necessary to build trust with the communities these organizations serve.

Streamlined Legal Triage: Contract attorneys can step in to handle urgent or triage cases, such as quick consultations or time-sensitive filings, ensuring that no community member is left without immediate assistance.

Creating a Mutually Beneficial Relationship: This symbiotic relationship benefits both parties. Nonprofits gain access to legal expertise and expanded capacity, while BIPOC attorneys have opportunities to make a meaningful impact, develop their practice, and potentially broaden their client base.

This partnership model is critical in addressing systemic inequities in legal service delivery by creating a sustainable pipeline of support for nonprofit organizations and the communities they serve, while also enabling nonprofits and community groups to provide legal assistance in a more accessible, cost-effective, and culturally competent manner.